Type and Description of Contents

The Willie Lee Buffington Digital Library consists of six documents and twenty-three photographs that pertain to Willie Lee Buffington and The Faith Cabin Library Movement.

The documents are from various publications such as, but not limited to, World Outlook and Advance. They detail the background of Willie Lee Buffington as he grew up, and the who what when where and how he began to establish Faith Cabin Libraries all over South Carolina and into Georgia. Also found in the documents are descriptions of what a Faith Cabin Library is and what a success story it was for rural South Carolina.

The photographs feature prominent people who helped to inspire and create Faith Cabin Libraries such as Euriah Simpkins. Also pictured are various children from various areas reading books in the Faith Cabin Libraries and what may be a graduating class standing in front of one of the libraries. As well as the bookmobile used for the Libraries and photographs of individual libraries all over South Carolina and Georgia.